Tuesday, February 24, 2009

N is infatuated.

all this time my bff, N, had a crush on a boy in the class, and i don't even know . no one actually knew, but her. i went to her livejournal and found her wrote this ;

So have you ever liked a guy so badly that when he says he loves you it makes your heart smile a thousand watts even if it is just a joke and he doesn't seem to mean a single word he said? I'm pretty sure, every girl has gone through that moment. But have you gone past that stage and then realize after all those fluttering butterflies in your stomach--it just hurts so much more than it used to? That because of it, you seem to want him say those words even more? That those little teases made your hopes go up a million miles into the sky? And then it falls down and crashes into a million tiny pieces. I guess, some girls have better luck and those hopes fly even higher and reach the heavens.

I wouldn't consider this love---infatuation is a better word.

P.S. On Friday I would have to see him in a suit for our Themed Yearbook Photo--and damn I'm not ready.

M had always told me that N is flirting on the double Vs in our class. i never notice, of course, because i was not madly in love with the doubles like M did. ( M was always boycrazy. euw )

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